Jun 16, 2013

Around the house ... Flora and Fauna

I started getting interested in bird photography from beginning of 2013. First thing you learn in any website is to try out things in and around your place. I started wondering if I would notice any around my home. To my surprise, within 1 month, I could spot lots or different birds excluding the common bird like crow. This hit ratio according to me is great as I have a full time job and also considering that garden city is converting to concrete jungle. Other aspect is that you need a lot of patience.


The Red Hibiscus Tree:

One can witness the “Circle of life” around any tree. The case in point is the Red Hibiscus tree in front of my house.


Just to give you a perspective of the size, it is very hard to find these birds when the tree is in full blossom. Check the size of Birds - compare it to the tree and even the flower! This makes it so difficult to spot them.

Some birds come for nectar, some others for the insects, and other animals for both. I was able to capture some of them: 


While the tree was around all the time , now the way I started looking at has undergone a huge change. Apart from this some other beauties worth mentioning are: 


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